Honey Cough Syrup to Sweeten the Throat

Honey Cough Syrup to Sweeten the Throat

Hi, this is Katy. I'm the Blogging Bee Missionary at Bee Mission.

We're going to start making more frequent blog posts because there's so much to share. We want to create a sense of community by broadcasting bee wisdom in as many ways as we can. There's so much useful, interesting and fun information, recipes of all sorts, crafts and much more. 

Some days we'll ask for your thoughts, too, and hope you'll jump in and share!

Once a week a recipe will be posted, and it can be anything from cough syrup to sweet treats to a delicious ethnic dish. There will always be a bee theme in some way, whether it is direct, as in honey, or maybe it will feature ingredients pollinated by bees. We'd love you to share your recipes with us, too! 

Some people are fortunate to have an old family recipe for a honey-based cough syrup from a grandmother or aunt. If so, you are lucky, as such recipes are real treasures. Please share your recipe with all of us if it has worked for you.

Image by ExplorerBob from Pixabay I’ve used the recipes below off and on for years. I don’t even remember anymore where I got them. Both have been effective and are easy to prepare. They have always soothed our family coughs when necessary. 

Sometimes seasonal allergies stimulate a shallow irritating cough.

Or maybe you’ve been ill and that lingering cough just won’t go away, tickling your throat when you need to be cool, calm and collected.

Here are two old-fashioned simple recipes with well known ingredients that are easy to find. Using local honey is always recommended when possible. These syrups will give your throat temporary relief.

The ancient people believed honey sweetened our words and speech, too, so maybe that is an added benefit. :)

We thank the beloved bees for blessing us with golden honey and pollinating lemons for us.



4 oz filtered water (cold or warm, as you prefer)

1 Tablespoon of local honey (your geographic area)

1 Tablespoon of quality apple cider vinegar (I prefer Braggs but there are other good ones too)

Directions: Just stir the honey and apple cider vinegar into the water and sip as necessary, or until your glass is empty.



1 cup of filtered water (warm or cold, as you prefer)

1 cup of local honey (your geographic area)

½ cup of lemon juice (preferably fresh squeezed)

¼ cup of ginger, peeled and sliced, otherwise use about ½ tsp of ground ginger

A bit of grated lemon zest (approx. 1 Tablespoons)

Directions: Bring water, lemon zest and ginger to a boil in a small pot, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. When it cools slightly, strain it into a glass measuring cup. Warm the honey at a low heat, but do not let it boil. Add the strained lemon ginger water and lemon juice. Stir until it forms a thick syrup. Pour it into a clean jar with a lid and take 1-2 Tablespoons as needed no more than four times a day. Keep it in the refrigerator for 2-3 months. Do not give honey to a child under the age of one.


NOTE: These recipes are offered as temporary cough relief. This is not medical advice, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition. If you are ill, seek medical advice immediately.


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