Bee Informed - Bee News

Honey Bees and Orange Trees

Honey Bees and Orange Trees

Florida evokes thoughts of sunshine, beaches, and oranges. The Sunshine State is a hub of US citrus production, with 44 percent of all citrus fruits originating there. Historically, citrus farmers...

Honey Bees and Orange Trees

Florida evokes thoughts of sunshine, beaches, and oranges. The Sunshine State is a hub of US citrus production, with 44 percent of all citrus fruits originating there. Historically, citrus farmers...

Urban Gardens Are A Lifeline for Bees

Urban Gardens Are A Lifeline for Bees

Spring is almost in the air... urban bees have been known to struggle to survive, but as it turns out, cities are becoming nectar-rich urban oases for bees and other...

Urban Gardens Are A Lifeline for Bees

Spring is almost in the air... urban bees have been known to struggle to survive, but as it turns out, cities are becoming nectar-rich urban oases for bees and other...

Beekeeping is a Sweet and Profitable Business

Beekeeping is a Sweet and Profitable Business

Have you ever considered beekeeping as a hobby or a side business? Even if you haven't, now is the perfect time to explore the idea further. Free and affordable “Beekeeping...

Beekeeping is a Sweet and Profitable Business

Have you ever considered beekeeping as a hobby or a side business? Even if you haven't, now is the perfect time to explore the idea further. Free and affordable “Beekeeping...

Recipe: Three Popular Fruit Crumbles

Recipe: Three Popular Fruit Crumbles

Why not make all three fruit crumbles and put on a crumble party buffet for family on New Year's Eve? Fruit crumble is the perfect treat at any time. The...

Recipe: Three Popular Fruit Crumbles

Why not make all three fruit crumbles and put on a crumble party buffet for family on New Year's Eve? Fruit crumble is the perfect treat at any time. The...

Historic Recipe: Honey Gingerbread from 1796

Historic Recipe: Honey Gingerbread from 1796

This year has been a throw back to the old ways of doing things for many people, especially those seeking ease and simplicity. In recent years we became so high...

Historic Recipe: Honey Gingerbread from 1796

This year has been a throw back to the old ways of doing things for many people, especially those seeking ease and simplicity. In recent years we became so high...

Is Pure Honey or Sugar Syrup in That Jar?

Is Pure Honey or Sugar Syrup in That Jar?

While this blog post is focused primarily on the Indian market, honey adulteration is something most of the world is dealing with now. The year 2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic...

Is Pure Honey or Sugar Syrup in That Jar?

While this blog post is focused primarily on the Indian market, honey adulteration is something most of the world is dealing with now. The year 2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic...